Saturday, January 18, 2014

Ray Liotta Caricature

This was a fun caricature to do. I have actually been planning on drawing Ray Liotta for some time and I couldn't of picked the worst time to do it. I like finishing my caricatures in about a day but this one took almost a week. And it wasn't because the caricature was tricky, but I just have a lot going on right now. It was a bit frustrating when I would get half the sketch done but had to put it down because I had to go off and do somethings. But I took notes before I left so I would have something to come back to with the sketch. But I finally finished. Here is the sketch with the notes and then the finished caricature. 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I'd like to see a early goodfellas version of him also and maybe al pachino
