Monday, February 25, 2013

Spongebob SquarePants

So I decided to have some fun drawing today and practice a bit with my line art and coloring.
I first sketched out SpongeBob on regular printing paper, using my HB Mechanical Pencil. Now I did sketch this image using a reference, after all this is practice anyways.
After that I turned on my LightBox and inked the Image using my trusty, Japanese TomBow Brush Pen and my Faber Castell size "M" tip Pen. I was trying my hardest to have the inks make the drawing stand out more by using line variation. 

I then scanned the image and made it a .png file so it would become transparent.

It's going to look a little weird here because the image is now transparent. After I was satisfied with the transparency, I sent this image to my I-pad.

Finding the colors for Spongebob were simple enough, but finding the different tones was a little bit tricky. I first laid the simple colors down, having each color have it's own layer. I then decided to go darker with the colors. Then at the end I used simple highlights to bring the drawing come out a little bit more.

After this I made the background by studying different references  I thought I could of done a little better but I wanted more of my time to go in the actually drawing, rather than the background. And let me just admit, that the flowers in the background are not that easy to do. But this is the final piece of my very first spongebob squarepants drawing

Learning to Draw. Plus another Caricature.

Didn't have a lot of time to draw today. Was kind of stressed out about some things. I did come up with one conclusion though. I was watching a video by Will Terrell ( great artist ) he was talking about how to get better and how to improve in drawing. He said something, along the lines of, " You can't have the teacher do the work for you, he can show you how to do it but you have to do the work to improve." I think this is really what a lot of new artist struggle with. They think that buying a ton of " How To " books or just watching Tutorial videos will make a difference.
 And I wont argue the fact that the books and videos don't help, because they do, but what really makes you improve is having the passion to draw. When I started out drawing, I rarely drew. I think I might of done three or four drawings every month. This didn't help me improve. What helped me was sketching everyday, looking at other artist's work, and being more open to critiques.
I think having the right mind set makes you improve more. Having that drive to draw. This is one reason why I quit the doing the tutorial videos on YouTube. Because I feel that you get the craving to draw more by looking at something that YOU WANT TO DRAW. And everyone misjudges that just a little. They think, " Oh, If I watch this video on how to draw the human head but don't draw I will know how to draw AMAZING tomorrow." And what really sucks is that every human is almost wired like that. " Oh, If I buy this work-out video I will be tone in the next couple of days, but all I am going to do is just watch it and not work-out." or
" I just got ' Becoming A Millionaire For Dummies'. I'M GOING TO BE RICH!" Knowledge is good to have but you gain more of that by experience. So, sketching for about a week will give you more knowledge on drawing than a book.
Anyways that's my rant for the week.
Here's a caricature I did tonight.

Friday, February 22, 2013

John Travolta Caricature

This took some time because of all the other stuff that I had to work on. I finally decided to blow the dust off the sketch I did and finish it. I got him wearing the "couple of dork" clothes because it was more humorous. Whenever I get the time I think Im going to get Jules and Vincent together.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Caricatures of myself

I just looked back on all the old drawings that I've done and I stumbled on this old caricature I did of myself back in 2011. I also uploaded the last one I did of myself this year. I can already see how my style has changed and the improvement that I have built.Also the likeness and exaggeration has been completely changed. Looking back on old drawings and seeing the level of improvement that has happened during the couple of years, can just be one of the best ego-boosters there is.
So remember to keep all of your old drawings. So you can just look back on them and see how far you have gone.

Friday, February 15, 2013


I just want to show everyone how much improvement that has happened in the past 5 years. I've always been a fan of The Godfather film, so trying to perfect a caricature of Marlon Brando has always been in the back of my mind. It's also fun to look back on what you just stared out as and also a pleasure to see how much you have improved. Hopefully this view will give others a push to keep drawing. Because we will all have those days were we feel like nothing is improving and just want to give up. Well don't because each line you make, you are training your brain more and more into printing art from your brain onto a piece of paper. You can't go from point A to point Z with just standing still, you have to move, learn, and then you can look back a little to see how far you have traveled.

Birthday Card

So my girlfriend's mom had a birthday and seeing how Im broker than broke, I had to do something. So I decided to make a birthday card. Of course Im not the funniest of the bunch, my jokes are usually cruel, dark humor- which really wouldn't impress her mom- so I had to come up with something stupid. I sketched this out on paper and inked it using my lightbox, scanned the image, made it a .png file, then colored it on the Ipad. Here it is

Saturday, February 9, 2013

First Live Caricaturez and Chatroulette

So Today was the first time I got to do caricatures live. I don't think the location I got was to great for caricature....but at least I got one customer to draw. I will admit the caricature I did was a little disappointing for me because I did feel like I could of done better but I can't set my expectations to high with my first drawing. I did manage to get a picture of the whole set up.

Also did a couple caricatures on chatroulette tonight so I can stay loose for tomorrow. Here is one that I actually approved of, I wanted to make the girl as goofy as possible, she appreciated the humor though.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sketchbook Pages

Caricature & WishList

So I finally tried to take out my Art Stix- which have been building up dust for a bit- and try to use them. I layered the skin tone with just a PrismaColor Colored Pencil then used another layer of the Prismacolor Marker, then I said, " Hell, I'll try the Art Stix.." This is actually a caricature from someone on Chatroulette, I didn't get the chance to take a picture of him though, sad I know. But I can promise you it looks like can believe me....I promise.
One neat thing I learned about the art stix is, do not sharpen them. Im going to try and save up to get some new ones, might take me a bit of time because I am out of money and they are 35 bucks or more. I forget the price. 

I am also going to invest my money into getting some Staedtler Mars Brush Markers. I talked to Mac Garcia and he highly recommends them. He said they might take some getting used too but I think with some practice I can manage. 


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Susan Boyle Caricature

1,000 subscribers

It finally happened.
1,000 subscribers to TheToonHeadz YouTube Channel.
Hopefully the next 1,000 comes a little more quickly.
But I am very excited, couldn't have done this without the great support from everyone and the inspiration from other great artists.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Chatroulette Caricaturez

So a couple months back a light-bulb appeared over my head. I was trying to think of a way to practice and get network noticed. I came up with a lot of ideas. One special idea was to tie up a camel with licorice and ride around on it screaming "ToonHeadz" at the top of my lungs and hopefully get noticed by the social media as the dumbest person alive. I had some brilliant ideas but the outcome of them would me either being arrested or T.C.R.O ( The Camel Rights Organization) would attack me. The light bulb appeared when I thought about I remember a couple of people talking about the idea of meeting random strangers on webcam to talk too. That's when I came up with the idea, why not draw random people and then after when I was done with their caricature, I could ask them to go visit TheToonHeadz on YouTube.
So that's what I did.
Now after a couple of months of drawing them I was taught a couple of things. The biggest of all was that, people are VERY impatient. So I had to learn sketch quick, ink with accuracy, and try your best to color fast. This can be stressful because there is a lot of interesting faces on this website. There are some that I will do anything to draw, sometimes even begging please. 
I did a YouTube video of one session I did on Chatroulette. Here it is:
And here are a couple that I have done over the past couple of months.