Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Break From Faces

So I decided to take a break from faces for a bit and start drawing some animals. I've always thought of myself resembling a I drew one.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

So I thought it would be fun of me to do a holiday caricature for Free. I posted the news on my facebook and got quite a few people to participate. Luckily one of my good friends, Frazier, got picked in the draw.
Here it is.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


It's been almost a month since I went to the ISCA convention down in Florida. Really forgot to even write about my experience. It was sad that I only got to stay two days. But the two days gave me an idea of how truly amazing the convention is. It was just a great experience all around. When very talented artist were approaching me and knew who I was, it made me feel great. Meeting talented people is a rush. But be-befriending these dudes was almost an honor. And it defiantly gave me this ambition to improve as an artist.. And the experience did a lot for me. Not only as an artist but a person. I know that seems really cheesy, but I grew this confidence in myself from meeting these people. Interacting with them. Learning from them. Sharing a conversation. Exchanging a laugh. It was just all around a great experience and I highly recommend anyone who loves caricature to defiantly go next year. The rest is pictures. I really love the one Manny Avetisyan did. 
I got Robert Hume, Ben Bloss, Eric Goodwin, 
Nate Kap, and Kevin Justice
to do quick sketches of me also..

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Caricature Likeness

I came to the realization that the best way to get a likeness is to base it off of things that you've seen. Anything from animals to food. Everyone's face can symbolize something to you. It's an amazing thing. You'll run into faces that instantly spark an idea that reminds you of something. The other day I was walking through the mall and tried to base every face I saw on one thing. I saw Disney villains, mythical creatures, to even swords or pudding. It's almost weird how these ideas where jumping out at me. And I felt like it was a great exercise for caricature. OF course we all get stumped on some faces we run across. I like to call these, " Deficient Faces" The faces where the features really don't spark your imagination. I find that when you keep sketching and practicing, you will find less and less of these "Deficient Faces". There are also the faces that have so much sparks of imagination that you lose track on which idea you want to base it off of. I think these are the most difficult. Because they really are just extremely frustrating. It's almost like you are having a conversation about a topic you know absolutely EVERYTHING about but yet you can't find the words to really explain your feelings on the topic. I find that I am running into more and more of these. But there is nothing like it when you nail a caricature on exactly everything you wanted to portray. It almost gives you a high. And it reminds me why I love doing it so much.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Free Project I just got done with.

So for the Holidays I wanted to do something a bit special and do something nice. I decided to do something on facebook and draw a name so someone could win a caricature for the Christmas.
Here is the sketch and then the final project.